Tuesday, April 24, 2012

7 Months old

Today my baby is 7 months old and I don't know where the time went.  He is sitting up on his own really well now and just a little drool fest.  He loves his jumperoo.  He gives wet slobbery mooches (open mouth and everything).  Time is going so fast and it makes me so sad.  It's not helping that I am watching Glee and they are starting the goodbyes as kids go off to college and I am realizing that time will come far too soon for me.  All my kids are growing so fast.  Happy 7 month birthday Benny!

Stevie is such a big boy now.  He did really well at soccer tonight.  He has such a big heart and wants to help.  He does really well in school.  I can't believe preschool is almost over.  Most days he drives me crazy, but I need to remember that I wouldn't have it any other way.  All the constant questions and curiosity that only a 4 year old can have.  Just looking back at his pictures of him growing up, I can't believe what a fine young man he is becoming.
Abbie, Abbie, Abbie.  She has hit her 2's.  She is full of energy and loves to climb and dance.  She is going to start preschool in the fall and it makes me so sad.  I could do without the screaming and attitude, but I know it is her stage.  I just need to keep patience and that is my struggle.