Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I spy

In the car today, I was trying to keep Abbie awake.  I started playing I spy with the kids since they seem to like that game.  I asked Abbie to find a blue cow.  Steve then tells me cows are not blue.  I asked him what color they are and he responds "they are black and white, just like a panda bear."  That stopped me in my tracks and made me laugh.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

7 Months old

Today my baby is 7 months old and I don't know where the time went.  He is sitting up on his own really well now and just a little drool fest.  He loves his jumperoo.  He gives wet slobbery mooches (open mouth and everything).  Time is going so fast and it makes me so sad.  It's not helping that I am watching Glee and they are starting the goodbyes as kids go off to college and I am realizing that time will come far too soon for me.  All my kids are growing so fast.  Happy 7 month birthday Benny!

Stevie is such a big boy now.  He did really well at soccer tonight.  He has such a big heart and wants to help.  He does really well in school.  I can't believe preschool is almost over.  Most days he drives me crazy, but I need to remember that I wouldn't have it any other way.  All the constant questions and curiosity that only a 4 year old can have.  Just looking back at his pictures of him growing up, I can't believe what a fine young man he is becoming.
Abbie, Abbie, Abbie.  She has hit her 2's.  She is full of energy and loves to climb and dance.  She is going to start preschool in the fall and it makes me so sad.  I could do without the screaming and attitude, but I know it is her stage.  I just need to keep patience and that is my struggle.  

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Ben is trying so hard to crawl.  All last night he kept getting on his hand and knees.  This morning he was rocking back and forth.  He is so close to figuring it out.  It makes me sad since I will know have to keep up with 3 munchkins and it means he is growing.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring is here.

The weather is awesome and my kids love to be outside.  Sandboxes are awesome (at least until all the sand ends up inside and we have to vacuum.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I took some me time on Sunday and got a pedicure.  Oh how I love pedicures and thing I should got more than once every 6 months but what can you do.  While Stevie was in school, Abbie and I sat down to color.  She seemed to be pretty entertained coloring her fingernails.  Granted, I could not find an empty page in her coloring book, so I need to get to the dollar store.

Abbie has been staring at my toes and touching them and keeps commenting on my pretties.  We have to put "pretties" in her hair every morning and she had to have pretty dresses on so I just assumed the markers on her nails were for more pretties.  When she started using it as lipstick too, I asked her if she wanted pretty toes.  She was super excited and even sat still for me to paint.  Once I was done, she kept touching her own sparkly toes.  I am glad to have such a girlie girl!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Stevie's check up

Like father, like son!
Since my boy turned 4 last month, it was his turn for the doctor.  After a morning of much needed bible study, off to the clinic we went.  This boy is now 35 pounds and half an inch shy of 40 inches.  He is almost big enough for a booster seat.  The hardest part of the day for him was the shots (mine was the constant waiting since we were there for 2 hours).  Since Stevie went with me when Ben got his shots last week, all morning I heard "I don't want shots."  I kept telling him, we would have to see what the doctor said.  He was then trying to negotiate for only one.  It was a tantrum down the hall to immunizations and then in the room  Even tonight, he is limping around complaining about his shots.  Poor kid.  The good news is Dr. Schilz told Stevie he was healthy enough to go back to school.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Abbie is finally on her last molar.  This poor girl is having such a hard time with her teeth.  Even tonight, she was just crying when I put her to bed.  She kept pointing to her mouth and telling me it hurts.  After some teething tablets, motrin, and Mommy giving in to her request for snuggle time, she finally fell asleep.  I am a sucker for snuggles especially when she begs.  Thank goodness it is the last for her.  Of course it is just in time for Ben to start.

It didn't stop her from having Daddy's Buffalonian roots.  Dinner time, she couldn't get enough of his wings and those things were spicy.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Soccer and Painting fun

Our early morning started out with Stevie's second soccer game.  I almost want to count it as a first since the first one he had a hard time and cried through most of it.  This game was awesome.  Since his team is so small, he had to play all of it and we had very little crying.  He tried goalie for half a quarter and that was not fun for him.  It was sad that Daddy had to miss because Stevie scored his very first goal!  I am so proud of him for playing so hard and he did such a great job.
Getting ready to kick

Go Stevie


We had a family paint adventure after soccer and a yummy breakfast.  Stevie and Abbie got to pick out their own projects at a local paint store.  It was a blast and not even a complete mess.

Naturally, we had to continue the fun once we got home and Ben got to paint for the very first time.  He looked like he enjoyed it and none of it went into his mouth.

He jumped right in

Checking things out

Love this picture
 Hopefully Aunt Debbie will enjoy her birthday present, but I do need to get another one for Ben to do because I just can't part with his first project.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Brotherly help!

Sibling love!
Stevie is such a good helper.  Today I caught him "watering" the tree while the kids were outside playing.  The best part was I saw Abbie staring at him, then lift up her dress and attempt to take her pants down to "water" the tree herself.  She could not figure it out and it was hilarious to watch her trying to get her dress up and pants down.  Stevie was even giving her a demonstration and pointers on the correct procedure.  Such a good big brother he is. :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference

Stevie @ 1 week

Stevie @ 4 years

I had my second parent teacher conference.  I can not believe how big Stevie is getting.  He is such a little man and it is so bitter sweet.  Ms. Lisa says he has grown so much in the last few months.  He is getting better at using his words instead of his hands.  He is writing the first part of his name...S, T, and starting on E.  He learned colors and shapes at the beginning of the year and now his counting skills are increasing.  Next year we will start him in the reading program so he can grow even more.  I miss my sweet little baby, but now I have such a strong young man.  I am so glad to watch him and be his mommy.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ben's 6 Month Check

Benny Bear had his 6 month checkup.  The little chunker is 17 pounds and 12 ounces.  As Daddy puts it, we finally have our football player