Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I said what?

Now that I am finally caught up from blogging about the trip, I can focus on our daily activities. So every now and then I say something to my kids I never thought I would say. The first time was about a year ago when I scolded Stevie and told him to "stop chewing on the fridge." The little stink was teething on the fridge handle.

Today was "don't put chicken in your sock." He was shoving his chicken nuggets into his socks while we were finishing lunch before going into the store. The things this kid comes up with.

We just got the new swingset finished last night. We will have to wait and see what this little daredevil does next.

On a side note, Abbie is still shoveling food as fast as she can get it. Tonight was spaghetti and boy did she love it. She is enjoying the swingset as well. She is growing to dang fast. She can sit up by herself and things Stevie is the funniest thing around. I am wondering it her first world will be Stevie now.