Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Funny Things for the Day

Stevie has plateaued for potty training. He throws a fit about half the time when we try to go. He did decide that Bear needed to go potty today. He took bear into the bathroom, put him on the Elmo potty and once Bear was done, Stevie had to wipe his "poo bum." At least I know it is sinking in since he is having Bear imitate what he is suppose to do. I just have to make sure Bear doesn't completely end up in the toilet.

I am not feeling so well today, so we took it easy. We tried out toddler time at the library. Stevie lasted for about half of it. I think it will just take some time to incorporate it into our days. This afternoon was a fun day of playdoh. Playdoh was easy entertain for 45 minutes. I could not believe he sat there with his new little play set. Thankfully, nothing got on the carpet.

Abbie and I have Itsy Bitsy Yoga tomorrow. I hope I feel well enough to go. I feel bad because I plan all these activities for Stevie and she just gets dragged along. I wish I could get her out of her car seat more when we do things like story time, I just can't seem to keep a hand on Stevie and it worries me. I think next time, I will try the jeep carrier so she can at least see what is going on. Oh what to do, I need to get my two year old better trained!