Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekly Smiles

So Abbie is getting closer to rolling. I can't believe how big she is getting. She has been eating her rice cereal like a champ. I am so glad I am home to watch her grow. We did yoga again this week. It was some good bonding time for us. She smiles and laughs so much now. She really loves her brother. He keeps coming and giving her kisses and she just laughs. I am glad they get along right now.

Stevie has been keeping me busy this week. He keeps climbing on everything and getting lots of spankings to boot. I caught him pulling the kitchen chairs out and standing on the table. I have been trying to keep him occupied. We have gone swimming, to the zoo, played outside. He really likes our sensory tub with birdseed. Every time we are outside, he grabs his tub and drags it out to feed the birds. Our grass will have some interesting things growing.